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Your Trusted Name in Wexford Primary Care

Comprehensive Family Health Care

Listed below are just some of the conditions we treat at Wexford Health Partners. We provide comprehensive care for all of our patients’ wide-ranging needs.

Wexford’s Trusted Family Medicine Clinic

Bridging Family Practice

Wexford Health Partners is a proud Family Practice that offers comprehensive family health care services. We’re dedicated to helping you and your loved ones reach your individual health goals while continuing the quality, personalized family medical services the Wexford community has come to expect from our Family Practice.

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Dr Behm's door sign

Accessible Care with Virtual Visits

Preventive & Proactive Healthcare

At Wexford Health Partners, we believe that preventive and proactive care should be at the heart of every patient's healthcare. We are committed to helping our patients be proactive about their health and wellbeing and providing them with the tools and resources they need to make informed decisions about their health. 

That’s why we’re proud to offer virtual visits, telehealth services and a variety of preventive care programs to ensure that our patients are able to get the care they need in the safest way possible. From comprehensive physical checkups and screenings to health risk assessments, we strive to equip our patients with the tools necessary for them to lead healthier lives.

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Affordable Healthcare in Pittsburgh, PA

We Accept Insurance

Wexford Health Partners accepts insurance from a variety of providers, including UPMC and Highmark. Our staff will work with your insurance provider to ensure that you receive the best possible care at an affordable price. View our full list of providers and feel free to reach out with any questions.

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